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Current Information


Sat 8 Feb  -  Annual Dinner  - CWA Hall, Robertson Park,  6.00pm


 Please pay $50 per head for a shared entree platter and buffet main

to the Choir bank account by 3 February (see below).

Bring your own drinks and a something sweet to share

Friends and family are very welcome.






Monday 10 Feb - Annual General Meeting


Saturday 22 March - Orange Regional Con. Concert, 8pm (TBC)


Weekend 24-25 May - MCAA Festival Adelaide.

(see MCAA Bulletin 7)​


Sat 1 Nov 2025  - Annual Concert (TBC)



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This policy aims to reduce the risk of serious respiratory infections, both to the members and to the operations of the Choir by emphasising personal responsibility, based on prevailing medical evidence and health advice.


Viral respiratory infections (such as Covid-19, influenza, respiratory syncitial virus - RSV and human metapneumovirus - HMPV) continue to spread in the community at varying rates. New variants of these viruses are occasionally introduced to Australia and vaccines are updated to protect against these.

The Choir’s age structure and singing together put us at relatively high-risk of transmitting respiratory infections. As well as protecting members’ and their families’ health, it is important that infections don’t disrupt our preparations for performances.



Mitigation Policy


Successfully reducing the risk of infections being introduced and spreading depends on implementing a number of measures. Members are encouraged to practise good hand hygiene and to keep themselves informed about the current recommendations for vaccinations for their individual age and risk groups.


All Members and visitors participating in rehearsals and performances are also expected to comply with the following conditions:


1. A person should not attend if he or she,

    • has one or more symptoms of respiratory infection (runny nose, sore throat, coughing with headache and/or fever)

    • is awaiting a test result for a respiratory infection, or

    • is a close contact with a person who has a respiratory infection.

2. A person who has had a respiratory infection may return to rehearsal seven (7) days days after developing symptoms or testing positive, if they have no symptoms.

3. All participants should immediately notify the Secretary if he/she tests positive after a rehearsal or performance so that other members in-contact with them can be alerted.



The Management Committee may suspend rehearsals or performances if the risk of transmission of a serious respiratory infection increases significantly.


END - 30 December 2024




OMVC's Top 10 of 2023


 Eye of the Needle,   Friendship in Song,  Bring Him Home (arr. Bermingam),  Shelter, Gwahoddiad,  Hiraeth,  Nothing Like a Dame,  Sixteen Tons,

Tell My Father  &  Wellerman.





OMVC Bank Account

Please make payments to

BSB:  802-129       A/c No:   100030358

  Orange Male Voice Choir



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